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MVPX Elizabeth de Brito

Growing up and studying classical music in suburban Hertfordshire, Elizabeth de Brito was a working-class tri-racial girl surrounded by whiteness, maleness and private school privilege. She never felt like She belonged in this world. 

The Daffodil Perspective is a radio show focused on championing a space for everyone. Telling the stories of all these brilliant composers and musicians marginalized by centuries of the white supremacist patriarchy. Creating a mirror that reflects our wonderfully diverse world and making a brave space so EVERYONE belongs.

Every show features 50% female composers (half the women featured are black, Asian and ethnically diverse women) and 25% Black, Asian and ethnically diverse male composers including at least one Black male, one Black female, one Asian male and one Asian female composer on every show. White composers make up a maximum of 50% of composers and airtime.

The Daffodil Perspective also works to prioritize music by Black, Asian and ethnically diverse musicians. 

The Daffodil Perspective goes out fortnightly on Fridays on Mixcloud. Check the Radio Show page to see the latest shows, how to listen, tracklists and more!

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